Tuesday, 9 June 2015


Beauty in life, beauty in nature, there's beauty everywhere.
Flowers are one tiny part of our fascinating world that we can afford to possess.
Tiny, but gorgeous part. Learn to appreciate it.
Flowers give you happiness, joy, light.
They revive and fill your days with colour.
Flowers are a magnificent, one of the most elegant creations of nature.
Appreciate beautiful things. Love flowers.

Before I even thought of the poem I thought of some ways to publish it and decided I was going to go to a flower shop. Only after deciding that I wrote the poem. I went to a local flower shop in Downtown called "Bay Fresh Flowers" and asked their creative director if I could put my poem up in the shop and maybe leave some copies near the cash register. She kindly allowed me to do that. I left 30 poems in the store so people could take them when they bought flowers, I went back to check in 5 days and almost all of them were gone.

After I did that the employees asked me what that was for and I explained that that was for a school project and asked if they want to read it, they did.

Then I asked the customers who were waiting for the bouquets if they wanted to read the poem, all of them were really nice, or maybe they didn't have anything else to do anyway:)

The store owners were russian so they asked me if I could translate the poem and put it on flowers that were outside the store.

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