Friday, 30 May 2014


It's that little thing that goes through your mind
For every second,
And every day of life,
You have those thoughts that help you go on living,
Those thoughts, that save your life.

For publishing my poem I:
1. Posted it around on benches, bus stops and building

2. Posted it around the school, on Instagram

Wednesday, 30 April 2014


Today’s News:

A series of terrible, yet suspicious events occurred during the past 2 days. The leading event happened on Sunday, August 20 - Alan Ervin, the blacksmith’s son was found dead in the field-path that lead to his house with an arrow through his neck. Alan married Anne, a girl from a farm not far from Waknuk a few months before this terrifying event. The police investigated this incident and came to a conclusion that there is no evidence that can lead them to the murderer.
Just as things started to calm down another event happened.
Being shocked and stunned by what happened, Anne said that she knows who murdered her husband but refused to name them. The next morning Anne was found hanging dead in her own room. No evidence was found once again. She did not even leave a note to her family. This incident continues to be a mystery for everybody in the town. 
Where Alan was found dead. Picture by: Violetta Kryak

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Romeo's thoughts on Juliet

O fair Juliet
How wonderful art thee
Your loving bosom I must get
For I am in love, aye me!

A Capulet, you may be
My affection is beyond my eye's see
So elegant, so graceful
So pretty, so faithful

How lucky I am to have found thee
One fair night at a Capulet party
Attempting to forget Rosaline
All was achieved when your love became mine

Now I shall wait for thee
Wait high up in your balcony tree
What you would desire, I will do
A marriage proposal shall be sent to you

Adoration and content is what we will have
Together our lives will not be daft
An eternity we will grow together
Like two doves, sharing one single feather.